Sunday, January 1, 2012


I was raised as a Catholic and was very active as a youth but, started having questions around the age of 18 or 19. Asking the Priest did not help and so as I moved on with my life I quit going to the Catholic Church.

I married at the age of 22 years and the man I married, David Alen Isenhower, was anti-church so I did not have the opportunity to find another Church to go to. I did visit a Methodist Church at one point but, when the Minister came to the house to meet me personally my husband was very, very upset. So, that put a stop to investigating for me for many years.

I divorced Dave in 1973 and moved to Dunedin, Florida and at that time decided I needed to raise my little girl with the Chuch in her life. I visited the local Catholic Church in my neighborhood and it was a major disaster. The service was full of old people and NO children. After the service the Priest told me I should go over to St. Petersburg for services because they had children in their congregation. Ugh. How rude was that.

I was reading a novel and the Mormon's were mentioned. I had seen a Mormon Church down the street from where I worked and so decided to go to services that Sunday. Not knowing what time the meeting was I looked them up in the phonebook. This was in the 70's and so there were multiple times for different meetings. They were listed in initials such as PH,SS,RS,PRI, & SAC. Not knowing what any of those were I went to the first meeting, PH and there was not one woman there. I thought wow this is great. Then the Ward Clerk came out of his office and introduced himself to me and I told him I was visiting and wanted to know more and he told me to come back later in the morning for Sunday School. So, I did. I went to Junior Sunday School with Kathie for several Sundays before I was able to get to my own investigators class. After that I was visited by the missionaries(Elder Lundquist and Elder Kendall) along with the Stake Missionary couple, the Bryants. It did not take me long to know this was what I wanted in my life and in my daughters life. I had smoked for many years and I drank coffee and tea. I knew I would have to give those up but, it was okay for me because I knew this was what I wanted. I quit smoking, drinking coffee and tea on the same day. That was not easy on my nervous system but, what a great benefit it has been in my life. My baptism took place on July 6 1974 in a swimming pool at the Bryants home in Clearwater, Florida. At my baptism my sweet little 5 year old went swimming in the pool and told people for many years she was baptised with her Mommy in a swimming pool. It took years to convince her that she was not baptised that day.

I have never regretted my decision to be baptised into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It has totally changed my life and I know that my Father in Heaven guided my path to His Church. He wanted me to find the Church and He made sure I found it. I had no problem believing and accepting the Gospel. I knew immediately that Joseph Smith had seen Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. I also had no problem accepting the visits he had from Angels and other Heavenly visitors. I still know these things are true.

My family was not super supportive at first but, later accepted my decision. And I have done the work for my Dad, Sister and all of my grandparents and great grandparents for many generations. I hope soon to be able to have my mother's work done and have her sealed to my Dad and Sister and her parents and to me. I think she may accept the gospel as I am sure my Father and Sister and others in my family have. My Sisters' husband died recently and I look forward to standing in for her so she can be sealed to him for eternity.

I know that all my blessings come from my Father in Heaven and all I have is thanks to him. I know that my Savior loves and knows me personally and has my best interest in mind. I know that everything that happens happens for a reason.

I am so thankful for my membership in the Church. I am extremely thankful I was allowed to go on a mission and learn so much about the history of the Church and to learn so much more about Joseph and his family.

I am grateful for Temples and that families can be together forever and pray that my children will some day return to the Church and enjoy that great gift.

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